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Fiqh was unanimously defined as:

A bank editor is inherently negotiable enough to include an immediate order not pending on a condition as well as certain data specified by law issued by a person called the issuer of the check to a bank that is drawn upon payment to the designated beneficiary or to the holder of a certain amount of cash. – We try to limit the elements of the check that the check dissolves to three persons the drawer who signs and withdrawn it, who pays the amount of the check, ie the bank and finally the beneficiary, which is issued in favor of the check. And from here We go to the crime of the check defined by the judiciary as a crime Taker who issued the check is the one who behind the fulfillment of the tool and put them in circulation which are once giving the drawer of the check any beneficiary with the knowledge that he has no retractable balance report that crime , but are these acts.

Deliver the Secretariat

Is a custom editor contains in its content the form of the secretariat and different from the bill and the debt recognition that the beneficiary also guarantees the right of the civil has to take the penal road to meet what has to him and download the receipt of the Secretariat any person who received the amount of money and the amount of a specific amount payable when requested by the handed amount or beneficiary The amount delivered to the debtor shall be regarded as a deposit or a trust as provided by the legislator pursuant to Article 240 of the Penal Code.

Adoption of debt

The debtor shall approve a specified amount of money and an official pledge to pay it documented by the Ministry of Justice.Documentation Department is eliminated in the executive form so as to pay the full amount of the debt at once upon request of the creditor without delay or delay.The creditor shall open a file of execution and work to prevent travel and seize vehicles and seize banks in case the debtor fails to pay. In order to make a request for debtor custody, you must pay a legal fee and make a performance order. The debtor may appeal against the performance order to stop the detention procedure, ie seizure and habeas corpus, other than two weeks after being declared by the performance order or judgment.

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