الجابرية قطعة 1 ب
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Audit the accounts of authorized persons

Article 68

Each licensed person shall organize and maintain books, records and accounts reflecting in detail and accurately the transactions or transfers of ownership of the assets of that person, in accordance with the accounting standards adopted by the Authority. He shall keep these books, records and accounts for a period of not less than five years from the date of their preparation, provided that they remain valid for consultation upon request, and shall remain subject to scrutiny at all times by the Authority or his designee for this purpose.

Article 69

Any person licensed to use an internal control system shall comply with the following: Performing operations in accordance with a general or special authorization of the competent department. 2. Freedom of disposal of assets under a general or special authorization from the competent department. 3. Compare the assets recorded over appropriate periods of time and take the necessary action against any material changes. 4 – Registration of operations to allow the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the standards adopted by the Commission or when auditing the assets registered to the company.

Article 70

Each licensed person shall, within one month of receiving the license, appoint an auditor approved by the Authority, provided that such controller is not a manager, official, employee, shareholder or partner of the licensed person. He shall notify the Authority within seven days of his appointment and shall also notify the Authority within that period in the event of the resignation or replacement of the Controller.

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