الجابرية قطعة 1 ب
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Public rights and duties

Article 27
Kuwaiti nationality shall be determined by law.
Nationality may not be revoked or withdrawn except within the limits of the law.
Article 28
No Kuwaiti may be deported from Kuwait or prevented from returning to Kuwait.
Article 29: All
persons are equal in human dignity. They are equal before the law in public rights and duties, without distinction as to race, origin, language or religion.
Article 30
Personal liberty is guaranteed.
Article 31
No one may be arrested, imprisoned, searched, limited to his residence or restricted in his freedom of residence or movement except in accordance with the provisions of the law.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to degrading treatment.
Article 32
There shall be no crime or penalty except by law and no punishment except for acts subsequent to the application of the law provided for.
Article 33 The
penalty shall be personal.
Article 34 The
accused shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in a legal trial at which he shall have the necessary guarantees for the exercise of the right of defense.
Physical or moral harm to the accused is prohibited.
Article 35
Freedom of belief is absolute. The State shall protect the freedom to practice religions in accordance with established customs, provided that this does not prejudice public order or morals.
Article 36
Freedom of opinion and scientific research is guaranteed. Everyone has the right to express and publish his opinion by word, writing or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and conditions prescribed by law.
Article 37
Freedom of the press, printing and publishing shall be guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and conditions prescribed by law.
Article 38
Dwellings are inviolable and may not be entered without the permission of their parents, except in the cases prescribed by law and in the manner prescribed therein.
Article 39 The
freedom of postal, telegraphic and telephone correspondence shall be safeguarded and its confidentiality shall be guaranteed.
Article 40
Education is a right of Kuwaitis, guaranteed by the State in accordance with the law and within the limits of public order and morals. Education is compulsory in its early stages in accordance with the law.
The law lays down the necessary plan to eliminate illiteracy .
State and private care for the physical, moral and mental development of young people .
Article 41
Every Kuwaiti shall have the right to work and to choose his type.
Work is a duty of every citizen whose dignity is required by the public good, and the State shall provide it to the citizens and the fairness of its conditions.
Article 42
No one may be compelled to perform compulsory labor except in cases prescribed by law for national necessity and at a fair price.
Article 43
Freedom to form associations and trade unions on a national basis and by peaceful means is guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and conditions prescribed by law. No one may be compelled to join any association or union.
Article 44
Individuals have the right to assemble without the need for prior permission or notification. No member of the security forces may attend their private meetings.
Public meetings, processions and gatherings are permissible in accordance with the conditions and conditions prescribed by the law, provided that the purposes and means of the meeting are peaceful and not contrary to morality.
Article 45
Everyone has the right to address the public authorities in writing and with his signature. Addressing the authorities on behalf of groups may be made only to statutory bodies and legal persons.
Article 46
Extradition of political refugees is prohibited.
Article 47 The
defense of the homeland is a sacred duty, and the performance of military service is an honor for citizens, regulated by law.
Article 48
Payment of taxes and public costs is a duty in accordance with the law.
The law regulates the exemption of small incomes from taxes in such a way as to ensure that the minimum necessary living standards are not compromised.
Article 49
Respect for public order and respect for public morals is the duty of all Kuwaitis

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